Weekly Site volunteering
Every Wednesday from 7 am to 9 am Friends of Yellagonga volunteers are working at our Tanah Close site in Kingsley on the Western side of Lake Goollelal.
Site Manager – Guy
Activity – Watering, digging bowls around plants, light weeding.
What to wear – Long pants, closed in shoes, hat/cap and gloves are recommended.
Suggested to bring – Your favourite spade, trowel or mattock (cleaned), water bottle, sunblock and insect repellent.
Parking – Verge of Goollelal Drive Kingsley or nearby streets.
Please check the weather forecast and bring a jacket just in case of rain.
We work in the rain but not in a thunderstorm. All workdays will go ahead unless the storm is overhead.
When you arrive, please sign in to ensure you are covered by DBCA insurance.
Any volunteers attending a FOY site for the first time should advise the site manager who will provide a short site H&S briefing.
If you have any questions please email friendsofyellagonga@outlook.com